Monday, February 1, 2016


After two blissful healthy weeks, Oskar got sick again. I know it's going to be like that for the rest of the year as he builds his immunity. Later in life this will pay off. But now it's really hard on all of us. 

Saturday night he had a difficult night and so did we. 
Sunday he was grumpy and had a runny nose. Thanks to a paracetamol suppository (or just luck), he slept that night and so did we. 
Monday we sent him to school because beside the (very) bad mood and the runny nose, everything was fine. 
Monday evening just before his dinner I noticed that Oskar was wheezing again. Not as bad as last time but I could hear it. We pondered for a little while whether we should go to the ER or not (our pediatrician had already closed for the day). I called my dad who confirmed what my guts was telling me. Better safe than sorry so I left with Oskar.

In the taxi I remembered that there was another set of pediatrician as at Thomson Medical Center. I called and found out one pediatrician was working that night. No ER :) 
We were lucky enough that there were only a few people waiting. Most likely because he normally takes with an appointment but given I showed up with a wheezing child they took us as such.
Pediatrician said its most likely a cold that triggered asthma (sounds familiar?). He wondered whether he should admit Oskar to the hospital or not. I asked if this was really necessary. We made a deal, one nebulization in his office. If Oskar responds well we can go home and continue nebulizations at home. Luckily Oskar reacted well. I could say because he was super excited and full of energy. Was my son high?

Here we are at home with the nebulizer and a bunch of asthma medications. It's going to be a long night with nebulization every four hours but at least we are home. I prefer a painful night at home over a painful night in the hospital.

Let's hope Oskar gets better soon and that the asthma goes away. 

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